Apple Scriptだけでtwitterに今聴いてる曲をポストする

以前書いたスクリプトはシェルからcurl呼んでたから、今度はApple Scriptだけでtwitterに今聴いてる曲をポストする様にしてみた。

あんまりきれいじゃないけど、Apple Scriptって情報が少ないから、iTunesからの情報取得、URL Access Scripting、常駐的な処理、のサンプルになれば良いな。

ちなみに、POSTする先のURLを変えればnowaのナニシテルにも投稿できた。けど、日本語が化ける。URL Encodeすれば解消する、かな?


set conf_delay to 30
set conf_msg to "now playing: "
set conf_user to "USERNAME"
set conf_pass to "PASSWORD"
-- set prev_track to ""

on get_itunes_currenttrack()
    -- check if iTunes is active and playing
    tell application "System Events"
        if (application process "iTunes" exists) then
            set is_iTunes to true
            tell application "iTunes"
                -- check if iTunes is playing or not
                if player state is playing then
                    set currenttrack to current track
                    set track_info to (name of currenttrack & " / " & artist of currenttrack)
                    if (rating of currenttrack > 0) then
                        set track_info to track_info & " ("
                        repeat (rating of currenttrack) / 20 times
                            set track_info to track_info & "*"
                        end repeat
                        set track_info to track_info & ")"
                    end if
                    set track_info to false
                end if
            end tell
            set track_info to false
        end if
    end tell
    return track_info
end get_itunes_currenttrack

on update_status(_message)
    global conf_user
    global conf_pass
    set tmpfile to (((path to temporary items from user domain as text) & "iTunes2twitter.log") as Unicode text)
        with timeout of 20 seconds
            tell application "URL Access Scripting"
                set twitter_URL to "http://" & conf_user & ":" & conf_pass & ""
                download twitter_URL to tmpfile replacing yes form data "status=" & _
            end tell
        end timeout
    on error
        log "error: url access fail"
    end try
    log _message
end update_status

on timer_handle(__delay, _prev_track)
    global conf_msg
    set current_track to get_itunes_currenttrack()
    if current_track = _prev_track then
        log "identical"
        if current_track is not false then
            log "track changed!"
            set twitter_msg to conf_msg & current_track
        end if
    end if
    return current_track
end timer_handle

on timer_loop(_delay)
    set prev_track to ""
        set prev_track to timer_handle(_delay, prev_track)
        delay _delay
    end repeat
end timer_loop

log "here we go"